
Monday, November 14, 2011

Lessons Learned from Final Exams

Well it's getting down to the end of my last fall term as a laker. Today I had my Social Ethics final and I think it went pretty well. I have a final tomorrow in Antecedents of Aggression, and Wednesday is my History of Psychology final exam. After Wednesday's final I will be going home for 10 days :) Usually a semester school only has about a 3 or 4 day break for Thanksgiving. But at Mercyhurst we're on the trimester schedule and we get a lot more time off. I love the schedule that Mercyhurst is on, but sometimes it can be a little frustrating compiling a lot of information into 10 week terms.

Since I am applying to graduate school, that adds a lot more work to my already busy schedule. During the past week I have been hiding myself away in the psychology lab for 12-13 hours a day and believe me, it was not such a great idea. Saturday I took the Psychology GRE Subject Test and I only had about 5 hours prior to waking up and going to take the test. Immediately after I was done I went straight back up the psych lab and stayed there until about 10pm. Just from neglecting myself and consuming all my time with my studies I got myself very sick. I woke up Sunday with what it felt to be strep throat, but that ended up going away and turned into body aches, headache, and a fever. I could hardly get out of bed this morning and I knew exactly that this was all my fault.

When your studying for finals and doing everything else in your life except worrying about you, it catches up with you and can turn into a disastrous plan that you thought was going to work. So now here I am in bed trying to explain how you should avoid using your time the way I have. This has definitely been one of the biggest lessons I have learned and sadly I had to learn it the hard way.

Here are some great ways to reduce stress in college. After reading this over, I definitely believe I will be considering to put more time in for myself so I never have to get sick during finals again.

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